
經文:創世記12:1-7, 12:10-17; 13, 17:1-8;18:16-19;22:12-18

一、主動熱情有異象 (創世記12:1-7)
Be Proactive and Passionate, Perceive a great vision

1. 呼召人跟隨 (創世記12:1)
Call for followers

2. 傳遞神異象 (創世記12:2-3)
Impart God’s Vision

3. 應許和挑戰 (創世記12:4-7)
A Challenging Promise

二、接納承擔不改變 (創世記12:10-17; 13)
Accept and Bear without Changing

1. 包容保護 (創世記12:10-17)
Tolerate and protect

2. 鼓勵提昇 (創世記13:14-17)
Encourage and Raise up

三、堅持等候不放棄 (創世記17:1-8; 18:16-19; 22:12-18)
Persist and Wait, Never Give up

1. 看為多國之父 (創世記17:1-8; 18:16-19)
See as the Father of nations

2. 等候多國之父的生命 (創世記22:12-18)
Wait for the life of a Father of nations