
一、啊~啥是貪婪?Oh! What is greed?

  1. 喔這個很好我喜歡(創世記 Genesis 2:9)
    Wow! This is great! I like it!
  1. 把你的心放在那裏 (提摩太前書 1 Timothy 6:9)
    Put your heart there
  1. 想要擁有更多更多 (路加福音 Luke 12:15;)
    Want to possess more and more


Ouch! Beware of greed!

  1. 肉體的情慾 (創世記 Genesis 3:6A)
    Lust of the flesh
  1. 眼目的情慾 (創世記 Genesis 3:6B)
    Lust of the eyes
  1. 今生的驕傲 (創世記 Genesis 3:6C, 3:5)
    Pride of life


Come! Overcome greed!

  1. 凡事知足 (希伯來書 Hebrews 13:5)
    Content with everything
  1. 羨慕善工 (提摩太前書 1 Timothy 3:1)
    Desire good works