
經文:約翰福音 John 17

一.三一神榮耀的合一 v.1-5
Glorious Oneness of the Trinity
1.父子同享尊榮 v.1,5
Father and Son share the glory
2.父子同賜永生 v.2-4
Father and Son give eternal life

二.門徒與主榮耀合一 v.6-19
Disciples in Glorious Oneness with the Lord
1. 揀選 Elect v.6-10
2. 相信 Trust v.11-12
3. 跟隨 Follow v.13-19

三.你我與主榮耀合一 v.20-26
You and Me in Glorious Oneness with the Lord
1.世代信徒與父子合一 v.20-23
Believers share the oneness between Father and Son
2.同享創世以前的愛 v.24-26
Share the Love before the creation of the world