
經文:馬太福音Matthew 28:1-20

一.領受天國的生命 v.1-10
Receive the Kingdom Life
1.活在主已復活的情境 v.1-6
Live as the Lord has already risen
2.傳遞主已復活的信息 v.7-10
Spread the news that the Lord has Risen

二.識破魔鬼的詭計 v.11-15
Expose the enemy’s crafty scheme

三.生養天國的門徒 v.16-20
Give birth to the kingdom disciples
1.相信:天國王權 v.16-18
Believe in the authority of the kingdom of heaven
2.起來:門徒萬民 v.19-20a
Rise up to disciple nations
3.注意:主必同在 v.20b
Remember that the Lord is present