Deep Lament, Great Thanksgiving
經文:羅馬書 Romans 7:14-25
1. 罪,非我所明 v.14-17
Sin, Not that I Understand
2. 罪,非我所願 v.18-20
Sin, Not that I Want
3. 罪,非我能拒 v.21-23
Sin, Not that I Can Resist
4. 深深感謝神 v.24-25
Thanks be to God
Deep Lament, Great Thanksgiving
經文:羅馬書 Romans 7:14-25
1. 罪,非我所明 v.14-17
Sin, Not that I Understand
2. 罪,非我所願 v.18-20
Sin, Not that I Want
3. 罪,非我能拒 v.21-23
Sin, Not that I Can Resist
4. 深深感謝神 v.24-25
Thanks be to God