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第四誡:當守安息日—進入帶領萬有歸於神的節奏 (上)

第四誡:當守安息日—進入帶領萬有歸於神的節奏 (上) The fourth commandment: keep the Sabbath day – Enter into the rhythm of leading all things unto God 經文:出埃及記 Exodus 20:8-11 1. 進入神創造的節奏 (出20:11​a;創2:1-2) Enter into God’s rhythm of creation 2. 分別安息日獻給神 (出20:8;出23:12​;賽58:13​-14) Remember to consecrate the Sabbath day

The fourth commandment: keep the Sabbath day – Enter into the rhythm of leading all things unto God

第四誡:當守安息日—進入帶領萬有歸於神的節奏 (上) The fourth commandment: keep the Sabbath day – Enter into the rhythm of leading all things unto God Verse: Exodus 20:8-11 1. 進入神創造的節奏(出20:11​a;創2:1-2) Enter into God’s rhythm of creation 2. 分別安息日獻給神(出20:8;創2:1-2;出23:12​) Set apart the Sabbath day for God


得勝2021 Victory 2021   講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 日期:2021.01.02 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 21   歡慶得勝 (v.1-6) Rejoice in victory   繼續信靠 (v.7) Continue to trust   完全得勝 (v.8-13) Total victory   有神同在 滅盡仇敵 (v.8-12) In God’s presence, all enemies will be completely destroyed   有神大能我們歌唱 (v.13) In God’s strength , we will sing and praise

Victory 2021

得勝2021 Victory 2021   講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 日期:2021.01.02 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 21   歡慶得勝 (v.1-6) Rejoice in victory   繼續信靠 (v.7) Continue to trust   完全得勝 (v.8-13) Total victory   a.有神同在 滅盡仇敵 (v.8-12) In God’s presence, all enemies will be completely destroyed   b.有神大能我們歌唱 (v.13) In God’s strength , we will sing and praise


全心信靠「創造你的神」 Trust wholeheartedly in ‘the God who created you’   講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua 日期:2020.11.01 語系:粵(Cantonese)、普(Mandarin) 經文:出埃及記 Exodus 20:1-3   1。我是耶和華你的神 (v.1-2) I am Jehovah your God   2。對你沒有「任何別的神 」(v.3a) No ‘any other god’ exists to you   3。信靠「我的同在」前行 (v.3b) Trust “in my presence” to move forward

Trust wholeheartedly in ‘the God who created you

全心信靠「創造你的神」 Trust wholeheartedly in ‘the God who created you’   講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua 日期:2020.10.31 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:出埃及記 Exodus 20:1-3   1。我是耶和華你的神 (v.1-2) I am Jehovah your God   2。對你沒有「任何別的神 」(v.3a) No ‘any other god’ exists to you   3。信靠「我的同在」前行 (v.3b) Trust “in my presence” to move forward


基督降生在住棚 Christ was born in Feast of Tabernacles 經文:約 John 1:1,14, 18;7:37-39   一.道就是神,成了肉身,住棚我們中間 The Word was God; The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us 約1:1, 14上   二. 世人看見基督看見神 The world saw Christ and have seen God 約1:14中,18   三. 信心領受恩典和真理 By faith, receive grace and truth 約1:14下;7:37-39

Christ was born in Feast of Tabernacles

基督降生在住棚 Christ was born in Feast of Tabernacles   講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 日期:2020.10.03 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:約翰福音 John 1:1, 14, 18; 7:37-39   一、道就是神,成了肉身,住棚我們中間 (約1:1, 14上) The Word was God; The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us   二、世人看見基督看見神 (約1:14中,18) The world saw Christ and have seen God   三、信心領受恩典和真理 (約1:14下;7:37-39) By faith, receive grace and truth


天地之約 Covenant of Heavens and Earth 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua, 張陳培南師母 C-Mo Delphine 經文:瑪拉基書Malachi 4:1-6 大綱: 1. 得醫治 Be healed (v.1-3) 2. 作王子 Be a prince (v.4) 3. 作父親 Be a father (v.5-6)

Covenant of Heavens and Earth

天地之約 Covenant of Heavens and Earth 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua, 張陳培南師母 C-Mo Delphine 經文:瑪拉基書Malachi 4:1-6 大綱: 1. 得醫治 Be healed (v.1-3) 2. 作王子 Be a prince (v.4) 3. 作父親 Be a father (v.5-6)

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