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活出榜樣真父親 Great Fathers Live by Example 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:帖前1Th 2:9-12 大綱: 一、傳真道 不加重擔(v9) 1.Preach the Truth, not to impose burden 二、看重being有見證(v10) 2. Value “being” with testimonies 三、叫孩子 對得起神(v11-12) 3. Raise children worthy of God


擁抱妻子真丈夫 Great husband embraces his wife 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason, 張妙禪牧師 Pastor Anna 日期:2020.07.25 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:創Gen 2:24-25 大綱: 一、委身妻子的節奏(v24) Devote to the wife’s pace 二、主動敞開不遮掩(v25a) Willing to open up without hiding 三. 放下自卑得幫助 v.25b Let go of self-inferiority to seek help

Great husband embraces his wife

擁抱妻子真丈夫 Great husband embraces his wife 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason, 張妙禪牧師 Pastor Anna 日期:2020.07.25 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:創Gen 2:24-25 大綱: 一、委身妻子的節奏(v24) Devote to the wife’s pace 二、主動敞開不遮掩(v25a) Willing to open up without hiding 三、放下自卑得幫助(v25b) Let go of self-inferiority to seek help


天國爆發力 The explosive power of the Kingdom of heaven 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.05.17 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 13:31-33 一、身量倍增生命力 v.31-32 Stamina to multiply capacity 1. 量與質的大增長 Great increase in quantity and quality 2. 吸引與承托萬民 Attract and support all people 二、轉化群體感染力 v.33 Influence to transform multitudes

The explosive power of the Kingdom of heaven

天國爆發力 The explosive power of the Kingdom of heaven 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.05.16 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 13:31-33 一、身量倍增生命力 v.31-32 Stamina to multiply capacity 1. 量與質的大增長 Great increase in quantity and quality 2. 吸引與承托萬民 Attract and support all people 二、轉化群體感染力 v.33 Influence to transform multitudes

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