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你的面我正要尋求 Your Face, Now I Seek   講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.12.19 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 27   瞻仰獨一神的榮美 v. 1-6 Behold the Glory of the Only God   尋求神面,仍尋求 v. 7-12 Seek God’s Face, Seek Now   堅心等候,再等候 v. 13-14 Wait Courageously, Again, Wait

Your Face, Now I Seek

你的面我正要尋求 Your Face, Now I Seek 講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.12.19 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 27 1. 瞻仰獨一神的榮美 v. 1-6 Behold the Glory of the Only God 2. 尋求神面,仍尋求 v. 7-12 Seek God’s Face, Seek Now 3. 堅心等候,再等候 v. 13-14 Wait Courageously, Again, Wait


領受耶穌的雙重祝福 (約1:19-34) Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us   講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.10.18 語系:粵(Cantonese)、普(Mandarin) 經文:約 John 1:19-34   聽,曠野的呼聲 v. 19-28 Listen, The Voice of Wilderness   看,神的羔羊 v. 29-31 Behold, The Lamb of God   看,聖靈如鴿子 v. 32-34 Behold, The Spirit Like a Dove

Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us

領受耶穌的雙重祝福 Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us   講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.10.17 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:約 John 1:19-34   聽,曠野的呼聲 v. 19-28 Listen, The Voice of Wilderness   看,神的羔羊 v. 29-31 Behold, The Lamb of God   看,聖靈如鴿子 v. 32-34 Behold, The Spirit Like a Dove


《末世中的跟隨神3》《Following God in the end times 3》 用信心跟隨最寶貴 Following by Faith is the Most Precious 經文:太21:28-32 1. 放下矛盾的回應 v.28-30 Lay down contradictory responses 2. 成為遵命的兒子 v.31 Become an obedient son 3. 因信進入神的國 v. 32 Enter God’s kingdom by faith

Following by Faith is the Most Precious

《末世中的跟隨神3》《Following God in the end times 3》 用信心跟隨最寶貴 Following by Faith is the Most Precious 講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.06.20 語系:英(English)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:太21:28-32 1. 放下矛盾的回應 v.28-30 Lay down contradictory responses 2. 成為遵命的兒子 v.31 Become an obedient son 3. 因信進入神的國 v. 32 Enter God’s kingdom by faith

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