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Day 7: Enter into God’s blessed rest

第七日:進入神賜福的安息 Day 7: Enter into God’s blessed rest 創Gen 2:1-3; 賽Isa 30:15; 可Mak 2:27-28 一 安息:萬物都造齊了 (創Gen 2:1) Rest: All creations were completed 二 安息:神聖的節奏和心意 (創Gen 2:2) Rest: Divine rhythm and will 三 進入神分別為聖的安息 (創Gen 2:3; 賽Ias 30:15; 可Mak 2:27-28) Enter into God’s consecrated rest


何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit
創世記 1:6-8

The skies proclaim God’s handiwork

1. Separate the chaos and show mighty power
2. Create the sky canopy and open up living space
3. Conclusion: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim His Handiwork

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