蒙愛的兒子 Beloved Son 講員:潘國成牧師 Pastor Barnabas 經文:出埃及記 Exodus 15:22-27 1. 人生必經歷考驗15:22-25a Life must be tested 2. 最重要聽神的話15:25b-26 Listen to God is most important 3. 至終必得享安息15:27 Shall enjoy rest at the end
蒙愛的兒子 Beloved Son 講員:潘國成牧師 Pastor Barnabas 經文:出埃及記 Exodus 15:22-27 1. 人生必經歷考驗15:22-25a Life must be tested 2. 最重要聽神的話15:25b-26 Listen to God is most important 3. 至終必得享安息15:27 Shall enjoy rest at the end
末世的跟隨神4: Following God in the end times 要赴天國的筵席 Must attend Kingdom Banquet 一、空有呼召 不能進天國(1-7) Can not enter the kingdom of heavens with a vain calling 二、回應呼召 生命要改變(8-14) Respond to the call with a changed life
Mengikuti Tuhan diakhir jaman 4 –Harus Menghadiri Pesta Kerajaan Sorga Matius 22:1-14 , kolose 3:12 Pengkotbah: Ps. Barnabas 1. Menolak untuk bertobat , kehilangan kesempatan(a.1-7) A. Tuhan terus mengundang kita (a.1-4) B. Jangan bersikeras kepala (a.5-7) 2. Jangan merasa benar sendiri, kenakan manusia baru (a.8-14)
末世的跟隨神4: 要赴天國的筵席 Following God in the end times-Must attend Kingdom Banquet 經文:馬太福音 Mat 22:1-14 一、拒絕悔改,失去機會(1-7) Refuse to repent, lose the opportunity A. 神不斷邀請我們(1-4) God keeps inviting us B. 不要硬著頸項 (5-7) Do not be stiff-necked 二、不要自義,穿上新人 (8-14) Do not be self-righteous, put on the new man
Khotbah minggu ini : Sampai kekutub Bumi, Menjadi terang Dunia. Kisah Para Rasul 13:47-48. Kisah Para Rasul 26:16-18. 1.Sampai kekutub Bumi, menjalankan keselamatan ( KPR. 13:47-48) 2.Kembali kepada terang, Dengan pondasi (KPR. 26:18)
直到地極,作世界的光 Be a light for the world to the ends of the earth 講員:潘國成牧師 Pastor Barnabas Poon 日期:2020.04.11 語系:英(English)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:使徒行傳 Acts 13:47-48,26:16-18 一、直到地極,施行救恩 13:47-48 Bring salvation to the ends of the earth 二、歸向光明,同得基業 26:18 Turn to the Light, receive an inheritance together