Pray according to the Heart of the Father
1. Receive the Holy Spirit and cry, “Abba, Father”
2. Be a true son who honors the Father
3. Receive the full blessing of the Father
1. Receive the Holy Spirit and cry, “Abba, Father”
2. Be a true son who honors the Father
3. Receive the full blessing of the Father
一、 相信阿爸看我是好
二、 領受阿爸全然擁抱
【基督小兵】兒童崇拜歡迎 P.4-P.6 的醒目仔、醒目女收看! 主題:【作神所喜悅的選擇】 小兵們,我們有時會向神認罪,但你知道什麼是罪嗎?神又是怎樣看待罪?今週讓我們聽聽杏儀姨姨和德叔叔分享,讓我們更明白神的心意,選擇神喜悅的道路
1. 正直真實又知足
2. 領受神同在,活出神形像
Stella Ho
Rev 7:9-17; Rev 22:1-5
Apple姐姐教導我們怎樣離開罪,同罪講 bye bye,經歷神完全的自由與釋放!
1. Upright, honest and content
2. Receive the presence of God and live out the image of God