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家庭解憂師 瑪拉基書4:5-6 約一4:18 1.係時候U turn(瑪拉基書4:5-6) 2.原來出路是愛(約一4:18)

Must attend Kingdom Banquet

末世的跟隨神4: 要赴天國的筵席 Following God in the end times-Must attend Kingdom Banquet 經文:馬太福音 Mat 22:1-14 一、拒絕悔改,失去機會(1-7) Refuse to repent, lose the opportunity A. 神不斷邀請我們(1-4) God keeps inviting us B. 不要硬著頸項 (5-7) Do not be stiff-necked 二、不要自義,穿上新人 (8-14) Do not be self-righteous, put on the new man


《末世中的跟隨神3》《Following God in the end times 3》 用信心跟隨最寶貴 Following by Faith is the Most Precious 經文:太21:28-32 1. 放下矛盾的回應 v.28-30 Lay down contradictory responses 2. 成為遵命的兒子 v.31 Become an obedient son 3. 因信進入神的國 v. 32 Enter God’s kingdom by faith

爸爸 好、好、好

爸爸 好、好、好 經文:路 11:9-13 1. 爸爸不是 ATM, 爸爸是供應者 路11:9-10 2. 爸爸的心是好的 路11:11-12 3. 天父必幫助你 [爸爸]做最好的爸爸 路11:13

Following by Faith is the Most Precious

《末世中的跟隨神3》《Following God in the end times 3》 用信心跟隨最寶貴 Following by Faith is the Most Precious 講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.06.20 語系:英(English)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:太21:28-32 1. 放下矛盾的回應 v.28-30 Lay down contradictory responses 2. 成為遵命的兒子 v.31 Become an obedient son 3. 因信進入神的國 v. 32 Enter God’s kingdom by faith


如何獻上平安祭 How to offer peace offering 利Lev7:11-16,19-21、民Num10:10、申Deut27:7 一. 開心感恩 民Num10:10、申Deut27:7 Give thanks joyfully 二. 全然獻上 利Lev7:11-16、7:19-21 Offer completely

Let The Glory of God Dwell

末世中的跟隨神2-讓神的榮耀居住 Following God in the end times 2 — Let The Glory of God Dwell 太21:12-17 一、親近神醫治人(12-14) Draw close to God, heal the sick 二、彰顯神榮耀(15-16) Manifest God’s Glory 三、求神榮耀居住(17) Ask for God’s Glory to dwell


我想你知 … I want you to know… 路加福音 15:25-32 一、關係隔離,很辛苦 (v25-32) Alienated in relationship is awful 1. 沒有靠近,似雇工 (v26) Not getting close just like a servant 2. 沒有表達,好壓抑 (v28) Not expressing just very suppressive 二、要相信,愛是出路 Believe love is the way out 1. 孩子,真感覺要說出口(v29-30) Children speak out your true feelings 2. 父母,動慈心開口勸勉 (v31-32) Parents guide them compassionately

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