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非凡時刻、非凡神蹟 Extraordinary times,extraordinary miracles 溫志雅族長 MG leader Alex Wan 1. 非凡時刻 (哈Hab 3: 16-17) Extraordinary times a. 聽得到、看得見 Heard and seen b. Good Time, God Time 好的時刻,神的時刻 2. 非凡神蹟(哈Hab3: 18-19) Extraordinary miracles a. 神是喜樂「真」泉源 God is the “real” source of joy b. 穩行在高處 Tread on the heights


自卑 信心 逆轉勝 Humility and faith, turning defeat into victory 一、自卑謙卑 (斯4:10-14) Humble and meek 二、信心決心(斯4:15-17) Determination out of faith 結論、大大得勝(斯9:1-2) Conclusion: Great victory

Indonesia Service

自卑 信心 逆轉勝 Humility and faith, turning defeat into victory 講員:張妙襌牧師 Pastor Anna 語系:英(English) 、普(Mandarin) 經文:以斯帖記 4章10-17節; 9章1-2節 一、自卑謙卑 (斯4:10-14) Humble and meek 二、信心決心(斯4:15-17) Determination out of faith 結論、大大得勝(斯9:1-2) Conclusion: Great victory

Purim Celebration Service

自卑 信心 逆轉勝 Humility and faith, turning defeat into victory 一、自卑謙卑 (斯4:10-14) Humble and meek 二、信心決心(斯4:15-17) Determination out of faith 結論、大大得勝(斯9:1-2) Conclusion: Great victory

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