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Following by Faith is the Most Precious

《末世中的跟隨神3》《Following God in the end times 3》 用信心跟隨最寶貴 Following by Faith is the Most Precious 講員:何傑牧 […]

Let The Glory of God Dwell

末世中的跟隨神2-讓神的榮耀居住 Following God in the end times 2 — Let The Glory of God Dwell 太21:12-17 一、親近神 […]

Following God in the end time

末世中的跟隨神 Following God in the end time (太20:29-34;可10:46,52;路18:43) 1.看見自己看見神 See myself and see God […]

God visits us with three miracles

神用三大神蹟看顧我們 God visits us with three miracles 詩篇 Psalms 65 一、賜下罪得遮蓋的神蹟 v.1-4 Released the miracle of […]

Battling into the Kingdom of Heaven

努力進天國 Battling into the Kingdom of Heaven 講員:張戎牧師 Pastor Ruby, 何春卉 Pastor Stella 日期:2020.05.02 語系:粵( […]

Enough! Stop collecting debts!

夠了!不要再追債了! Enough! Stop collecting debts! 太Mat 18:21-35 一. 你欠更大的債,父神都免你 (v.21-27) However great your […]

Come and follow me

你還要來跟從我 Come and follow me 講員:譚淑儀牧師 Pastor Debby Tam, 胡家穎傳道 Pastor Wing Wu 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 19:16-20: […]

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