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Wow ! Arise in the darkness

嘩!從黑暗中興起! Wow ! Arise in the darkness   講員:董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah 日期:2020.08.29 語系:普(Mandarine)、英 […]

Be a true helper

成為真正的幫助者 Be a true helper 經文:創GEN 3, 4:7   一、小心不滿(創3:1-7) Beware of discontent 1.不滿神(v1-8) Disc […]

Following God in adversity

逆境中跟隨神 Following God in adversity   講員:段樹仁傳道 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.08.15 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(Englis […]

Beloved Son

蒙愛的兒子 Beloved Son 講員:潘國成牧師 Pastor Barnabas 經文:出埃及記 Exodus 15:22-27 1. 人生必經歷考驗15:22-25a Life must be […]

Great Fathers Live by Example

活出榜樣真父親 Great Fathers Live by Example 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason 經文:帖前1Th 2:9-12 大綱: 一、傳真道 不加重擔(v9) 1.Pre […]

Great husband embraces his wife

擁抱妻子真丈夫 Great husband embraces his wife 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason, 張妙禪牧師 Pastor Anna 日期:2020.07.25 語系:普( […]

More love, more faith, more glory!

有愛、有信、有榮耀! More love, more faith, more glory! 經文:約Jhn 11:1-6,17,21,39-40,43-44 大綱: 一. 神愛的人,雖有艱難患難⋯(v […]

Covenant of Heavens and Earth

天地之約 Covenant of Heavens and Earth 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua, 張陳培南師母 C-Mo Delphine 經文:瑪拉基書Malachi 4:1-6 […]

A Song of life

生命之歌 A Song of life 經文:詩篇 Psalm 113 1. 讚美 Praise (v.1-3) 2. 神坐 God sits (v.4-6) 3. 我坐 I sit (v.7-8) […]

Must attend Kingdom Banquet

末世的跟隨神4: 要赴天國的筵席 Following God in the end times-Must attend Kingdom Banquet 經文:馬太福音 Mat 22:1-14 一、拒絕 […]

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