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Life ascends to become new wine

1. Steadfast longing and following
2. Empty one’s own will to be filled with God‘s will
3. Let the new wine of life overflow to the whole earth

River Jordan Overflows to Become New Wine

河水湧流成新酒 River Jordan Overflows to Become New Wine 講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit、梁慧敏師母 C-mo Deborah Leung 經文: […]

New wine in desperation

新酒四部曲:「渴慕、倒空、裝載、湧流」系列 第三講:亞拿的生命

Serve with fire, arise and shine

1. 火熱的渴慕Longing fervently;2. 火熱的倒空Emptying fervently;3. 火熱的裝載Filling up fervently;4. 火熱的事奉Serving fervently

Pilgrimage to the heavenly city

走在天路上天城 Pilgrimage to the heavenly city 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 【經文】 於是把他趕出去了;又在伊甸園的東邊安設基路伯和四面 […]