Behold! God is our Shepherd
看哪!神是牧養我們的神 Behold! God is our Shepherd (賽Isa 40:1-11) 1. 在黑暗中宣告神的安慰 (v.1-2) Proclaim God’s co […]
看哪!神是牧養我們的神 Behold! God is our Shepherd (賽Isa 40:1-11) 1. 在黑暗中宣告神的安慰 (v.1-2) Proclaim God’s co […]
1. Proclaim God’s comfort in darkness
2. Prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness
3. Trust in the might of Christ to shepherd little lambs
歡慶住棚神同在 Celebrate Sukkot, God is with us 一、耶穌降生在住棚 (路加福音 1:5-42) Jesus was born in Sukkot 二、進入住棚神祝福 […]
Topic: Shall not become a killing race Scripture: Genesis 4:1-24 1. Murderers must face God’s judgme […]
1. Murderers must face God’s judgment
2. Murderers cause their descendants fall into the sin of murder
In times of hardship, hold fast to Christ Scriptures:Hebrews 5:1-14 1. Christ is the high priest sur […]
夫妻Being要整合 Couple shall become one being 夫妻應該各自發揮自己的Being嗎?還是整合為一個Being呢?讓我們從聖經角度去看這奧秘! Verse: Eph 5 […]