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第五課 核心價值長成人

領受 611 十一個核心價值,助你走在生命樹的道路上,活出喜樂蒙福,關係和諧的人生。


信心守約倚靠神 Trust God and Keep His Covenant by Faith   講員:段樹仁傳道 Pastor Jason Tuan 日期:2020.12.13 語系: […]

Keep the covenant faithfully and see God

信心守約看見神 Keep the covenant faithfully and see God 段樹仁傳道 Pastor Jason Tuan 約書亞記 Joshua 5 一、神蹟渡河,眾敵心膽寒( […]

Following God in adversity

逆境中跟隨神 Following God in adversity 經文:創世記 Genesis 26:1-25 一、相信神同在 (v1-6) Trust God’s presence 二 […]


逆境中跟隨神 Following God in adversity   講員:段樹仁傳道 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.08.16 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Canton […]

Following God in adversity

逆境中跟隨神 Following God in adversity   講員:段樹仁傳道 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.08.15 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(Englis […]


天國門徒最珍貴 Kingdom disciples are most valuable 經文:太13:44-52 一、主愛門徒如珍如寶 The Lord treasures His disciples […]

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