礼拝は毎週金曜日19時からANEW Placeで行っています。
Brother and sisters,
We are so excited to announce that on-site Japanese Service will begin right after the 20th Church Anniversary. It marks a new milestone for the church and the Japanese community here in 611. The Japanese Service will be held on every Friday, at 19:00 in Anew Place. It is our great privilege to see you and have you joining this big family together. Do drop by and let us fellowship under the fragrance of Tree of Life and grow in Word of God, Truth and grace of Holy Spirit.
【ANEW Place】
A212-217, 1/F., Smartland, 16 Tsuen Wah Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., H.K.
香港荃灣荃華街16號 荃會購物商場1樓A212-217室