The summary of the Law and the Prophets is Tree of Life
律法與先知的總綱就是生命樹 The summary of the Law and the Prophets is Tree of Life (太Matt 22:34-40) 一、哪一條是最大的誡命 ( […]
律法與先知的總綱就是生命樹 The summary of the Law and the Prophets is Tree of Life (太Matt 22:34-40) 一、哪一條是最大的誡命 ( […]
律法與先知的總綱就是生命樹 The summary of the Law and the Prophets is Tree of Life 何傑牧師 Pastor HK 太Mat 22:34-40 一 […]
日語晨禱,confirm不會重錄補回,please noted 1️⃣2023.08.08 2️⃣2023.09.01 3️&#x […]