Day Six: God Crowns Man with Honor, Glory and Grace
何傑牧師Pastor Ho Kit
創世記Gen 1:24-31
何傑牧師Pastor Ho Kit
創世記Gen 1:24-31
何傑牧師Pastor HK
創世記 1:24-31
《God’s Creation Series》The 8th Sermon: Day 6
Pastor Ho Kit
Genesis 1:24-31
何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit
創世記 1:6-8
1. Separate the chaos and show mighty power
2. Create the sky canopy and open up living space
3. Conclusion: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim His Handiwork
領受踴躍創造我們的聖靈 Receive the Rejoicing Spirit that Creates us 1. 運行在空虛混沌之上 (創Gen 1:1-10; 箴Prov 8:23-31; 申 […]
1. Moving on the Face of the Deep Water
2. Blowing over the Flood in Noah’s Day
3. Anointing the Servant who Renews All Things