New wine is flowing, let us be more longing 19/05/2024 Cantonese, English 新酒已經湧流,我們成為渴慕的人 New wine is flowing, let us be more longing (太Mat 4:12-25,可Mak 1:14-15) 一、時候滿足,救主已來到 […]
Day 6: Receive the blessing of multiplied fruitfulness! 13/04/2024 Cantonese, English 《God’s Creation Series》The 11th Sermon: Day 6 Pastor Joash Chow Genesis 1:26-28
Choose wisdom, the only way out in life 03/03/2024 Cantonese, English 《Proverbs》The 1st Sermon Pastor Joash Proverbs 7:1-27