《Exploring the Ten Commandments》
8th, 9th, 10th Commandment – Sermon 9
1. 以神為神,向神傾訴
2. 蒙神顧念,整合感恩
3. 繼續相信,繼續放手
《Exploring the Ten Commandments》
8th, 9th, 10th Commandment – Sermon 6
1. Treat God as God, Confide in God
2. Remembered by God, integrated and thankful
3. Continue to believe, continue to let go
一. 榮耀的教會
二. 榮耀的夫妻
三. 榮耀的神
Joy種枯樹成為生命樹 Joyfully grow a dry tree into the Tree of Life 感謝神不斷栽種我們,成為公義樹! 讓我們在611二十週年堂慶的日子,向神獻上最大的 […]