1. 領受十誡
2. 愛神愛人
3. 成為生命樹
領受十誡:成為生命樹 Receive the ten commandments: Become the Tree of Life 1.領受十誡 (出Exo 20:1-17) 石版 真義 心版 Rece […]
1. Receive the ten Commandments
Stone tablets Essence Heartification
2. Love God Love people
3. Become the Tree of Life
日語晨禱,confirm不會重錄補回,please noted 1️⃣2023.08.08 2️⃣2023.09.01 3️&#x […]
《Exploring the Ten Commandments》
8th, 9th, 10th Commandment – Sermon 9