Prepare to meet your God

Pastor Deborah
Numbers 29:1-6

1. Blow the trumpets to welcome God’s presence (Numbers 29:1; Exodus  19:1, 3-6, 10-11, 16-18; 1 Corinthians 15:52)

2. Devotion, honouring and sin confession (Numbers 29:2-5)

3. Total devotion, total honouring (Numbers 29:6)

Prepare to meet your God

董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah
民數記 Numbers 29:1-6

一、吹角迎接神同在 v1;出19:1、3-6、10-11、16-18;林前15:52
Blow the trumpets to welcome God’s presence

二、委身、尊榮、認罪 v2-v5
Devotion, honouring and sin confession

三、完全委身 完全尊榮 v6
Total devotion, total honouring