Love detox formula (約John4:4-29)

MG leader Eben Poon, MG leader SauWing Law

A) 毒素未清四病徵 (v4-18)
4 symptoms of toxins
1. 逃避人群(v6-7)
Avoid crowds
2. 苦毒自憐 (v9)
Bitterness and self-pity
3. 否定傷害 (v16-17)
Deny hurt and pain
4. 拒絕幫助 (v16-17)
Refuse help

B)得著醫治二步曲 (v19-29)
Two steps to receive healing
1. 與對的人真實對話 v19-21
Have real conversations with people
2. 認清彌賽亞 the perfect one! v25-29
Recognise the Messiah, the perfect one!