Topic: I am not your idol

經文Scripture:創世記 Genesis 28:13​-15, 20-22, 32:24​-29

【大綱 Outline】
一、當心!不要控制神 (創28:13​-15, 20-22)
A. Beware! Do not control God (Gen 28:13​-15, 20-22)

二、放手!必得神祝福 (創32:24​-29)
Let go! Receive God’s blessing (Gen 32:24​-29)

【討論題目 Questions for Discussion】

  1. 你覺得自己有控制神嗎?若果你所祈求的沒有得應允,你的反應是什麼?
    Do you felt you have controlled God? If your prayers were not answered, how would you feel?
  2. 你覺得放手相信神困難嗎?為什麼?
    Would it be hard to let go and trust God? Why?