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Pray according to the Heart of the Father

貼著天父的心來禱告 Pray according to the Heart of the Father 馬太福音Matthew 6:9-13,羅馬書Romans 8:15-16 一、領受聖靈呼叫阿爸父 […]

Establish Holiness in an Adulterous Generation

在淫亂世代中樹立聖潔 Establish Holiness in an Adulterous Generation 提後二章 2 Tim 2 1. 竭力作宣講真理的工人 Be diligent to […]

The hope of marriage under the Tree of Life

生命樹下婚姻的盼望 The hope of marriage under the Tree of Life 太Matt 19:1-12;約John 8:1-12 一、神祝福的婚姻為何會失敗? Why […]

Marriage designed by God

神所設計的婚姻 Marriage designed by God 一、一男一女 一夫一妻 成為一體 一生一世(創Gen2:18) One man and one woman, one husband […]

Be Holy, for God is Holy

Be Holy, for God is Holy Pastor Joshua Ex. 20:14; Lev. 19-20 1. Set apart from all peoples to a Holy […]

More than do not kill

豈是只有不可殺人 More than do not kill 經文:太Matt 5:21-48 一、有誤會,趕快和好 (太Matt 5:21-26) If misunderstood, reconci […]

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