
In love and trust, walk with God and bless all creations
段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason Tuan
來 Heb 11:1-3, 6-7; 創 Gen 6-9

一、因著信蒙喜悅,得指示未見之事 (來 Heb 11:7a)
Through faith, we are pleased and are told things we have not seen

二、先信心後理性,擺上一切預備方舟 (來 Heb 11:7b)
Faith before reasoning, all is devoted to prepare the ark

三、因著信得賞賜,承受為義祝福萬有 (來 Heb 11:7c)
Through faith, we are rewarded and inherit righteousness to bless all creations