
Remove the yeast of the Pharisees (5)

Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees: Break the chains of hell

周亦駿傳道 Pastor Joash Chow
路加福音 Luke 11:37-44

一、貪婪的人,是瞎眼無知 (路 Luk 11:37-44,太Mat 23:14)
1. Greedy people are blind and ignorant

二、貪婪自義,是拜偶像 (路 Luk 16:13-16,路 Luk 13:24)
2. Greed and self-righteousness is idolatry

三、撇下所有,今世得百倍,來世得永生 (路 Luk 18:18-25,28-30)
3. Leave everything behind and gain a hundredfold in this life and eternal life in the world to come.