Be pure and simple #1

Father! Father! I give thanks to you!


一、 父啊!我感謝祢 Father! I thank you (太 Matt 11:25-26)

二、父啊!你的美意是好的 Father! Your will is good! (太Matt 11:26)


  1. 在艱難挫折中,你會像主耶穌一樣捉緊天父嗎?
    In times of troubles, will you hold on to the Father like Jesus?
  2. 現在你和天父的關係深入嗎?曾否有發生什麼事情,影響你和天父的關係?
    Do you have a deep relationship with the Heavenly Father? Were your relationship with the Father affected by anything in the past?