I heard God say, “The Bible School is about to reach higher level. It won’t stay at the level it is now. Instead it will reach out to a more special, better and wider horizon. …
Exercise of Prophetic Gift
I heard God say, “The Bible School is about to reach higher level. It won’t stay at the level it is now. Instead it will reach out to a more special, better and wider horizon. …
As I prayed concerning the Leadership Institute, I saw a tranquil lake, which appeared absolutely still. Yet I heard God saying, “It appears absolutely serene and tranquil, but that’s not the case.” As the camera zoomed in, I saw a lot of fish swimming leisurely in the lake. They were of various colors, size and species. There was also seaweed and shrimps – tiny shrimps. Then I heard God saying: “Bible School is like this lake, which appears to be tranquil and serene. But it’s actually bountiful – with fish, shrimps and all sorts of seaweed, all of varied colors, forms, species and shapes. God said, “My purpose is to make the Bible School vibrant, rich, colourful, of various shapes, forms, colors and species. It may appear ordinary, but it contains rich resources, beyond imagination. My children, rejoice, rejoice! The Bible School belongs to Me. It shall continue experiencing renewal, breakthroughs and transformation.”
I heard God say, “The Bible School is about to reach higher level. It won’t stay at the level it is now. Instead it will reach out to a more special, better and wider horizon. Teachers and students alike will be elevated beyond your imagination. What I give to you is bountiful and beyond what you can imagine or ever ask for. The blessing I give is exceedingly wonderful. The Bible School will experience abundance, everything will go deeper and lead to abundant produce, beyond your imagination.”
Thereafter I saw fishing boats coming one by one. They caught fish and the boats would take the fish to bigger lakes. Then God said, “A further expansion, a bigger expansion, a wider expansion! Each fish will no longer be confined to a tiny lake, but reaching the deeper and wider water without boundaries. This is what God intends to give to us and it is also God’s heart for the Bible School. I saw a lot of eagles soaring in the sky as well. Then I heard God saying again, “Gradually, you will see that God doesn’t just give you fish but also eagles in the sky and the creatures running on the ground. Thus, the Bible School shall be victorious over what’s on the land, in the sea and in the sky. Its influence and impact will be far beyond your imagination.” (Her prophecy for the Leadership Institute 2022.07.27)
God saying that there will be a stream of young people flowing into the ocean and the Leadership Institute.
When I prayed for the Leadership Institute, I saw a vast and peaceful ocean. God said, “Children, the coming year will be a quiet and stable year. This vast ocean was quiet and peaceful, but I saw some small but worn out boats coming to the ocean. One after the other, these worn out boats came to the Leadership Institute in different times. Some wounded and distressed people are coming to this vast ocean.” I even saw some worn out boats with inscription, “Pastor”. God will bring some weary and weak pastors to us so that they may be healed and set sail again.
Not only are worn out boats coming to this vast ocean, but also water from a brook going into the ocean. The brook was clear. I saw some young people, they were like on a slide. One by one, they slid down to the ocean. I heard God saying that there will be a stream of young people flowing into the ocean and the Leadership Institute. Then God said He will bring some youth who are determined and God-loving to the Leadership Institute.
God told us to pray. God will lead the entire Leadership Institute to move forward. Not only will there be healing and wound-binding, but also directions and goals. God said it calls for clear goals to lead Bible school students. They have to know what their 2-year goals are. It is not just about graduation. Knowing their goals, they will strive towards the goals and equip themselves. God said, “Children, I am the God who is with you; I am the God who blesses you.”